Beware: Bing & Yahoo Only Display Yelp Reviews!

Yelp Reviews: The Downside For A Business

Earlier this year, Yahoo signed an agreement with Yelp and now they showcase only Yelp reviews in their search listings.  Microsoft Bing also has an agreement with Yelp to display their reviews.  The downside to this for a business is that if you have a low star rating on Yelp and negative reviews on Yelp…your Yelp rating, reviews and reputation are spread onto Bing Local and Yahoo Local as well.  So beware, if your Yelp reputation is not a good one…you need to take extra action to build, manage and market a great reputation across the internet so consumers and prospects are not as swayed by the Yelp reviews that are now published on Yelp, Bing & Yahoo!

Your Bing & Yahoo Reviews Are GONE!

Also, Bing & Yahoo no longer show reviews that were previously left on their own sites so any reviews your customers left you on Bing or Yahoo are now gone from the internet.  All the more reason to ensure that the online reputation you’ve worked so hard to build doesn’t disappear from the internet.  To do this you need to build a great reputation on NUMEROUS review sites, your website, your blog AND on your company’s social media pages.  The worst thing you can do is leave your reputation in the hands of just one or two major reviews sites!

All the best,

P.S. – Contact us if you need help building, managing and marketing a great 5-star online reputation!